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It is the practice of travelling to another country or region in order to receive health care services that, for whatever reason, a person cannot obtain in the quality and performance required in his or her country of residence.

The main motivations for medical tourism are:

In many countries, health services can be much cheaper than in developed countries with high health care costs.

Some countries are renowned for their high standards of medical care, attracting international patients looking for advanced technology and skilled professionals.

In some countries there are long waiting lists for medical services and patients are looking for quicker and more convenient treatment abroad.

Some medical procedures and treatments may be restricted/prohibited in the home country but available elsewhere.


Check-up is a complete examination of the body, including a set of analyses, tests to diagnose various deficiencies, diseases and personalised recommendations for the patient based on their results. In many countries, such a comprehensive examination requires a lot of time and financial expenses. Therefore, carrying out a check-up abroad is a great opportunity to do everything in one place and at one specially allocated time, in those clinics where you will receive the results with full transcripts in the fastest possible time. 

Of course, a tourist can organise such a trip for himself, just like any other trip: he can find a clinic, choose a hotel and book a flight, but a trip for examination/treatment is not a beach holiday or a city tour. There are many nuances that the patient himself cannot take into account: from choosing the place of examination to accompanying interpreter services, transfer, drawing up a travel programme (because such trips are also a great opportunity to combine the pleasant with the useful, to solve medical issues and enjoy, for example, a sightseeing programme of the area), and so on.

For the most comfortable in every sense check-up these days go to a number of European countries, as well as Turkey and South Korea.


Dental medical tourism is becoming more and more popular every year due to the differences in the cost and quality of dental procedures in different countries.

Many countries that attract "dental" tourists have a high level of medical services and modern equipment and materials. And their cost often allows patients to save a substantial amount of money, even taking into account the cost of flights and accommodation.

As a rule, this type of medical tourism covers not only dental treatment, but also various aesthetic and cosmetic procedures: bite correction, teeth alignment, installation of eliners, teeth whitening and so on.

Currently, the leaders among the countries where people go for this complex of services are: Armenia, UAE, Turkey. 

Plastic surgery

So-called surgical beauty tourism is one of the most popular types of medical tourism all over the world. It is a great opportunity to improve one's appearance, correct some physiological defects in the best clinics and by the best doctors in this field at quite attractive prices. And what is important, one of the main determining factors for this type of tourism is not only the operation or procedure itself, but also the effective rehabilitation period afterwards.

Mammoplasty takes the leading position among all plastic surgeries in all countries. Beautiful breasts are the dream of many women. And it is worth noting that patients often go to a particular specialist even abroad, and not just because of the low price.

Rhinoplasty also ranks as one of the top trips to overseas clinics.

Of course, as the medical tourism industry continues to grow, more countries are becoming recognised destinations for plastic surgery, but at the moment the leaders in the industry are Germany, UAE, Cyprus and South Korea.

Hair transplant

Hair transplantation has become a popular medical procedure for people suffering from baldness or sparse hair. Turkey is the most famous destination in this field due to its qualified surgeons, modern clinics and affordable prices. This is why those wishing to achieve thick, beautiful hair come here from all over the world.

A hair transplant procedure, known as a hair transplant, involves moving hair follicles from the donor area (most commonly the back of the head where hair is preserved) to the area with baldness or sparse hair, thus allowing natural hair growth to be restored.

Transplants in Turkey are usually performed in clinics that specialise in this type of surgery, rather than in multidisciplinary clinics as in many other countries.

Before deciding to undergo a hair transplant, it is important to get a consultation with a doctor and do a comprehensive research to determine if this procedure is suitable for your individual needs and body. Therefore, this type of tourism requires careful and competent planning at all stages, taking into account the schedule of clinic visits and the rehabilitation period.

Vision correction

Vision correction is an attractive medical procedure for tourists, as many countries offer laser and even surgical vision correction at a very high level in accordance with the latest technologies, but for "reasonable" money. It allows to eliminate/reduce dependence on glasses, lenses, providing clear vision and get rid of a number of diseases of the organs of vision.

One of the most popular methods of vision correction is the laser procedure LASIK (the essence of the technique is to change the cornea with the help of a laser beam). It allows to solve problems with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. This procedure is rather short-term in execution, painless and has a quick and long-lasting effect of vision restoration. As a rule, people go to Switzerland, Germany, Armenia, UAE and Turkey for this procedure and for eye health in general.

Correction of the nasal septum

Nasal septal deviation is a fairly common problem. According to statistics, about 80% people have it (the degree of severity may vary). And it often leads to nasal breathing disorders and the appearance of a cosmetic defect, and what is the saddest - to a number of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx. Modern medicine offers a number of methods of septoplasty - correction of the nasal septum by surgical intervention. In such countries as Armenia, Turkey, Cyprus, this operation is also performed by laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency and endoscopic techniques, which makes it less painful for the patient and shortens the recovery period afterwards.